Want To promote your business or WebSite with a Shoutcast TV or radio station? You may want to look elsewhere. The Shoutcast TV List is always missing for starters. Secondly, there has not been a software up date to the Shoutcast DNAs in years, and official channels for support are nonexistent. The winamp forums, and a handful of privately operated WebSite's, are the only resources for help to a Shoutcast TV or radio server operator.
Promoting your business via the Shoutcast TV listing, will end in very few actual leads to your business WebSite. The largest percentage of hits to your Shoutcast TV server will prove to be from user agents trying to rip (copy) your videos, hack your DnaS server, or be someone in a far off country who won't buy your business product anyway.
To make matters worse, Shoutcast TV, requires the use of the NSV video container format, that is proprietary and now owned by a 0 L. The nsv format can not been natively played inside a users Web browser, forcing the installation of extra software to which most Internet users will not do. This being said promoting your business with a shoutcast tv or radio station may well have your business promotions falling on deaf ears and dead air. With this in mind promoting your business may be best done by hosting a more stable video platform for your WebSite, possibly youtube videos about your business, brand name and product branding.
